Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition is payable in advance and is due upon registration. Credit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover) and ACH/Electronic Checks are accepted. Physical checks are not accepted. A payment plan is available; please inquire if you are interested. Returned EFT/ACH are subject to a $30 fee.
A 4% surcharge will be added to payment via credit/debit cards. This fee will be applied to all types of cards. It does not apply to ACH/Electronic Check transactions, if you wish to enter ACH/Electronic Check you may do so by updating your payment method online.
Withdrawals are not accepted via verbal conversation or email. The withdrawal form must be completed.
Withdrawal forms received at least 10 days prior to the class/program start date will receive a credit on your LoMastro account for future use.
No credit will be given for withdrawal forms received less than 10 days prior to the beginning of the class/program. However, If you switch to a different class/program within the same season, tuition will fully transfer to the new class/program.
A credit of tuition for medical reasons will be considered only when accompanied by a letter from a physician.
We ask that you arrive no more than 1-2 minutes before class begins. Students should arrive fully dressed in class attire, with a small dance bag including their dance shoes, and water bottle.
Students in Kindergarten and younger - Parent/caregiver should escort their child to their classroom door, help them hang their coat and put their street shoes on the shelves.
Students in 1st grade and above - Parent/caregiver should escort their child to the foyer, Once your child is dropped off in the foyer, parents/caregiver should leave and return at the end of class for pick-up. Our staff will help direct students to their classroom.
The last 5 minutes of class is used for dismissal.
Students in Kindergarten and younger - Parent/caregiver should pick-up their child from their classroom door, help them put their coat and street shoes on, then escort them to the car.
Students in 1st grade and above - Parent/caregiver should pick-up their child in the foyer, then escort them to the car.
Classes begin on time. Late admittance to a class is at the teacher’s discretion. For their safety, your child will not be able to participate in class if they arrive more than 15 minutes late. They will, however, be able to observe the class. Tardy students are asked to enter the studio between exercises.
All absences must be reported to the academy prior to the absence. Students exceeding 3 absences per 1/2 season may be asked to withdraw from the program and/or recital without refund. Consistent attendance is imperative to the successful training of all students. Students may miss only if she/he has a valid excuse.
Missed classes may be made up in a class at the equivalent level or lower, in the same discipline. Classes not made up within one month of the absence will be forfeited. Make-up classes can not be scheduled in a full class. Students must schedule a make-up class with our office in advance and check-in at the desk on the day of their makeup class.
We utilize email as our main source of communication. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide a valid email address and read all email communication. We also have a private Facebook group for enrolled families.
All students are expected to adhere to the dress code (see class listing). Female students' hair must be secured in a bun or ponytail for all classes. A bun (with hairnet and bobby pins or snood) is required for ballet. No jewelry is allowed. Leotard color must match those in our boutique. Students not dressed and/or groomed appropriately may be asked to observe class. Dance shoes should never be worn outdoors.
No candy, gum, or food are allowed in the studios. Water is the only beverage students are allowed to drink at the academy. Students may bring a bottle of water to class. No cups are allowed in the classrooms.
Students should be escorted to and from the building by an adult.
All classes are drop-off.
Street shoes should never be worn in the classrooms.
Children are not permitted in the classrooms without a teacher.
If you have siblings with you, please keep them at your side, as our facility is not set up to accommodate unsupervised children. Running, jumping, and climbing on the furniture is forbidden. Noise in the lobby should be kept to a minimum to respect an appropriate learning environment.
If classes are cancelled due to weather, a message will be posted on the LPAA phone line one hour prior to the class start time. Please call the academy or check our social media for updates if weather is bad. Classes may be made up in accordance with our Make-up Policy.
Our faculty meets regularly to discuss the students’ progress and placement. Placement is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex. Students will be constantly evaluated throughout the season on their mastery of skills/technique specific to each level in our curriculum. The first few weeks are used for assessment to ensure the proper class and level placement of each child. All decisions regarding class placement are made by the faculty with your child’s best interest in mind. Advancement is based on mastery of skills/technique within each level (most students will spend 1-2 years in each level). Letters containing pre-approved class levels for the following season will be emailed at the culmination of each school year. Advancement in our Early Childhood Division is age based. Please contact the director if you have questions or concerns about your child’s placement.
Occasionally a substitute is needed due to a teacher’s professional duties, illness, etc. Whenever possible, substitutes are hired from our existing faculty. When this is impossible, substitute teachers are professional colleagues of the teacher. In either case, substitutes are briefed on the class syllabus, so that the progression of study can go on uninterrupted.
All programs must have a minimum enrollment of 4. If a program has low enrollment, the program may be cancelled one week prior to the program start date. If we cancel a class due to low enrollment, a refund will be granted.
We uphold a safe, respectful, and positive environment guided by our Core Values—Kindness, Positivity, Safety, Integrity, Community, Excellence, Equality, and Teamwork.
Student Conduct: Students must show respect for teachers, peers, and the learning environment. Physical aggression, threats, intimidation, or harassment will not be tolerated.
Any act of hitting, biting, kicking, threats, or harassment will result in immediate removal from class for the day.
Repeated offenses will result in unenrollment.
Behavior Management Process:
Redirect – A warning.
Sideline – A short in-class break.
Think Time – A supervised reflection outside the classroom.
Call Home – Immediate removal from class for the day.
Parent/Guardian Conduct: Respectful communication is expected at all times. Bullying, threats, intimidation, or harassment of staff, students, or other families will not be tolerated.
Repeatedly challenging a policy or decision after receiving a response does not align with our values.
Parents/guardians must communicate through the LoMastro office—faculty cannot be contacted directly via personal text, phone, email, or social media. Faculty members cannot discuss class placement, curriculum, or concerns during or between classes.
Unenrollment Due to Conduct: LoMastro reserves the right to unenroll any student if they or their parent/guardian engage in disruptive, aggressive, or inappropriate behavior. In such cases, a prorated refund for remaining tuition will be issued. There is a zero-tolerance policy for adult misconduct.
By enrolling at LoMastro, families agree to uphold these standards for a positive and enriching experience for all.
Recital may take place virtually or in-person, pending current guidelines.
Parents and relatives of all LPAA students will enjoy watching their children dance and sing in our professional annual recital held in May/June. Our Recitals feature all Dance classes and Dance Company. Participation is optional for all enrolled students ages 3-19. Recitals are separated by age and level. All on-stage rehearsals are mandatory. Participation in the recital is assumed and parents are responsible for costume fees, due November 1st. Costume fees will be automatically charged on November 1st. Parents must notify the academy in writing if their child does not wish to participate in the Recital prior to November 1st to avoid being charged costume fees.
Costume fees are non-refundable.
Parents are responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to all policies and procedures at lomastro.com/recital.
Recital On-Stage Rehearsal is mandatory without exception. If a child is absent from On-Stage Rehearsal he/she will not be allowed to perform in the Recital. All dates are listed on the calendar page and recital page. Specific times will be available no later than April 1.
LoMastro Performing Arts Academy values your privacy. We do not share, sell, or distribute any personal information outside of our business. Any information you provide is used solely for enrollment, communication, and delivering our services.
For security and privacy, we will only discuss account details and a child's enrollment with the family account holder(s) listed on the account. If additional individuals need access to account information, the primary account holder must add their name to the account. We also ask that both parents or guardians provide their contact details to ensure smooth communication regarding the student's enrollment.